Meet the pack

A small, but mighty team works hard behind the scenes, and behind the camera to make your shoot go as smoothly as possible. With years of onset experience behind us we work tirelessly to ensure every job goes without a hitch.

Read on to learn more about the team that is Mad Dogs Television

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Andrew Davis

Company Manager, Director of Photography

Director of photography specializing as a location cameraman for documentary, reality & entertainment broadcasting. He has a comprehensive technical knowledge on a wide range of broadcast camera equipment & likes to keep up with the latest trends.

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James Bailey

Company Manager, Technical Supervisor

Self confessed nerd, always tinkering with tech, built this website and knows his IT stuff, spends time with his wife, walking the dog and working on super nerdy things.

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Jazz Halstead

Office Co-ordinator

The leading lady of Mad Dogs TV, handling all production tasks involving clients, crew and kit to ensure all runs smoothly for the team. Jazz spends any spare time playing football, getting hands-on with kit and working on funded projects across the country.

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Craig Hale

Camera Operator and Drone Pilot

Highly motivated and physically fit, spends his time traveling the world and enjoying life. Craig is an experianced Camera Operator and accomplished drone pilot.

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Marc Palmerino

Sound Recordist and Kit Room Technician

Starting as a Kitroom Technician, Marc is an aspiring Sound Recordist and occasional Camera Assistant who enjoys ‘Fixing’ anything and everything. Loves a good trip to the pub.

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Sam Piper

Camera Assistant, DIT and Minicams Operator

A Kitroom Technician who is active and keen to get out the door to apply his knowledge practically. Spending his down time with family and friends, having a good laugh and enjoying the little things.